Monday, 30 May 2011

Scripting Problems!

Lets get the good news over with first shall we. My blog entries are now up to date, so I'll probably have this available to view at the show as a developers diary.

Right, on to the main reason for this entry, which if you haven't guessed, is about scripting for UDK. Scripting is the reason I haven't made the level any bigger and is also the reason why there might not be any custom characters. I'm not a programmer at heart, but I understand the benefits it can have to the artist with an understanding of it.

I have been able to create a third person camera, but in the process of learning about custom classes I managed to break just about everything else. Fortunately I managed to fix most of the problems and the level is playable (without enemies).

The problems that I'm left with however are causing me to go grey. If this keeps up my hair will be comparable to Mr. Fantastic's from The Fantastic 4.

There are a couple of minor aspects to do with weapons firing, but these are passable. The major issues are with the user interface side of things. The HUD still needs changing and the Pause Menu still doesn't Resume game. Dying in game is also a bit of a problem.

So far today I've been arguing with the Pawn classes, trying to get some of the UTPawn scripts working in my GSPawn script. This managed to fix some things while breaking others for no apparent reason.

I'll just have to move on to the UI aspects for now.

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