Friday, 15 April 2011

First Finished Character Model

As the post title suggests I have been using 3DS Max a bit recently and have created my own alien creature. This is the first time I've ever created a character and I have to say it's a right pain in the butt (Not bad for a first attempt though).

It has one itteration of TurboSmooth on it which took the poly count to just over 10,000. Modelling isn't an area I would like to get into as a career, but it's something I would like to be good at. A bit of practice in the mean time maybe?

This week I updated my planner to ver.2 which has revised timescales for different tasks I need to complete. It doesn't get any easier!

Today I'll be looking at designing a few aspects of my game level like the UI and some of the models I need.

I'd better get on with it then!

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