Sunday, 24 April 2011

Updates with Coffee

I have been spending many a late night (and early morning) trying to make my demo level for my end of year show piece. It's taking longer than I would like mainly because I'm having to research different aspects while developing, the most troublesome of which was the implementation of a Third-Person Camera in UDK.

I'm drinking lots of coffee and energy drinks to keep me going at the moment but I should have something substantial put together by later today (fingers crossed).

Friday, 15 April 2011

First Finished Character Model

As the post title suggests I have been using 3DS Max a bit recently and have created my own alien creature. This is the first time I've ever created a character and I have to say it's a right pain in the butt (Not bad for a first attempt though).

It has one itteration of TurboSmooth on it which took the poly count to just over 10,000. Modelling isn't an area I would like to get into as a career, but it's something I would like to be good at. A bit of practice in the mean time maybe?

This week I updated my planner to ver.2 which has revised timescales for different tasks I need to complete. It doesn't get any easier!

Today I'll be looking at designing a few aspects of my game level like the UI and some of the models I need.

I'd better get on with it then!

Friday, 8 April 2011

It's Scary!

Just a quick update on the current status of my course and what it has in store for me. In regards to my last post, I managed to put together my High Concept Document and am now working on the Treatment for my idea. This document is a bit longer than I originally thought it would have to be but no matter (I've even got a cover image for it).

Perhaps the biggest update I have is the addition of two more units to the ones we're already working on. Currently that's now; Games Design, Games Engines, 3D Environments and Production Management. The most important of these being the later, because it's for our End of Year Show (I'll post details of this in a later entry). I have been named one of the management team to help organise the final show, so watch in amazement as my blog post become nothing more than lines of gibberish as my sanity slowly creeps away.

I have been able to produce my Final Major Project Proposal Document (draft), which was much easier than I thought it would be, but possibly a bit longer than it needed to be.

I also have a new planner to help me organise myself during this stressful time, from which I have made a template available for the rest of the class to use.