Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Unit 12 - Evaluation

This is the first unit I have done the unit evaluation on my blog and probably the last. Usually we have sketchbooks to work in, however, this time I have produced a small folder and all of the blog entries you see here.

I've never really taken to the whole blogging thing as I find it hard to update it regularly and usually end up typing all of my previously planned entries at once. I much prefer working in sketchbooks as I can lay them out as I see fit, and there's a sense of urgency about completing them that I just don't get with blogs.

Even so, I have learned a great deal about working from them. At times they are very convenient since you can quickly say what's on your mind without worrying about filling up the page (by which point you probably forgot what you planned on writing).

This was definitely the unit I had the most difficulty in doing. Unit 7 & 12 were supposed to run alongside each other, however, unit 7 started later than planned. This meant that unit 12 didn't seem to have any real purpose at first.
On top of this the entire unit was based around research and consisted mainly of written documents with the odd slideshow. I had a lot of difficulty getting motivated to get the work done.

We started off with Company Structures and Roles & Responsibilities. Using the project brief. This involved us looking for information about a company of our choice's development structures. As stated in my earlier blog entry I chose CAPCOM (view previous entry for details). This part was quite simple because of the quality of CAPCOM's corporate site.
The Roles & Responsibilities section was a different story. To get the information required I needed to look through several different websites.

The Project Management task we were asked to do was a little bit more interesting because we needed to create slideshow to show our understanding of it. As an additional part we needed to look at how project management was applied to a game title of our choice. This was slightly different from what the original brief stated, but provided me with some nice looking slides. It was this that prompted me to look for tutorials covering Flash slideshows, to enable me to integrate it into my own site as the unit 7 brief required.

Having been in the workplace for a number of years prior to this course I already had an understanding of Project Management, Contractual, Legal & Ethical Obligations, which made these tasks very tedious. At the same time I can understand the importance of them, and can now see how they apply to the games industry.

Throughout the unit I have been working on my own development planner detailing what I have learnt during the course of the project in terms of software knowledge. It is good to see how I am progressing and reminds me of what I have achieved so far.

This is my last blog entry for this unit. But before I finish off I should give an overall view of what the unit has been like. Though I found producing the content difficult, it has been completed and used on my now finished website. The length and style of some of the content has forced me to research the different software platforms I planned on using and changed my initial approach to the website unit to what it is now.

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