Saturday, 27 March 2010

General Update

I'm overdue for an update again so I thought I would bring everything up to speed with this entry. We have started working on another unit alongside Unit 12, covering Web Design. These two units go hand-in-hand, as one will be producing content for the other.

I submitted my PowerPoint presentation as I said I would in my last entry and have been given a further task for the unit covering Contractual, Legal & Ethical Obligations. This will take the form of a Word document and will be used as content for the website I have been asked to create.

I have also been producing work for Unit 7 - Web Design which will become content for the site. The first task was to research a web technology, this could have been anything from Web Browsers or Flash, to Scripting Languages etc.
The second was to create an integratable slideshow about design issues. This was done by reviewing examples of Good, Bad and Dynamic websites.

Currently I am looking for tutorials and information which might be useful when creating my own website. I haven't decided whether I'm using Dreamweaver or Flash yet but I will decide by early next week how I'm going to proceed.

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