Saturday, 27 March 2010

General Update

I'm overdue for an update again so I thought I would bring everything up to speed with this entry. We have started working on another unit alongside Unit 12, covering Web Design. These two units go hand-in-hand, as one will be producing content for the other.

I submitted my PowerPoint presentation as I said I would in my last entry and have been given a further task for the unit covering Contractual, Legal & Ethical Obligations. This will take the form of a Word document and will be used as content for the website I have been asked to create.

I have also been producing work for Unit 7 - Web Design which will become content for the site. The first task was to research a web technology, this could have been anything from Web Browsers or Flash, to Scripting Languages etc.
The second was to create an integratable slideshow about design issues. This was done by reviewing examples of Good, Bad and Dynamic websites.

Currently I am looking for tutorials and information which might be useful when creating my own website. I haven't decided whether I'm using Dreamweaver or Flash yet but I will decide by early next week how I'm going to proceed.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Project Management

We have been asked to create a PowerPoint presentation saying what Project Management is. So I've spent what little free time I have between college and work researching the subject and how it applies to the video games industry. the presentation is 15 slides long so I won't be posting any images from it this time.

I will be submitting it tomorrow.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Company Profile & Structure

Following on from my previous entry which detailed my draft for this piece of work, I have now uploaded my Company Profile & Structure document together with my Roles & Responsibilities document.

Above is my Roles & Responsibilities document showing the different jobs in the games industry and what they do.

Here is my finished structure document. This was more difficult than expected due to lack of information on actual production processes used by Capcom. Instead I found general info and applied it in a way that was most likely to be used by them. This was achieved using Capcom's annual report from 2009, showing their development setup.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Developers & Publishers

During Wednesday's lesson we were working on our research of games developers and publishers using the internet. I've decided to look at my favourite company, CAPCOM, who are both developer and publisher. They are resposible for some of my favourite series' of all time including; Resident Evil, Monster Hunter and Devil May Cry.

Their corporate website is very impressive, with annual reports, company history and information on the different market sectors they cover. It has been a challenge just going through the amount of data available. As a result I was only able to make a small start typing the document we are required to produce. I stuggled to find any reference to production processes in general at first, but now I have a couple of websites to look through that may aid me in creating a flow chart.

I have uploaded a draft of the document on Moodle as requested by the tutor, and am working on it when I can over the weekend (when I'm not at work). I plan to include a more detailed history of the company before describing the production processes used by CAPCOM and other similar companies and finishing off with a flowchart. When this is completed I will upload a copy to this blog.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Unit 12 - Understanding the Games Industry

As one set of units finish another take their place. From here on my blog will cover Unit 12 of my college course, Understanding the Games Industry.