Thursday, 21 January 2010

General Update

This entry is a bit late I'm afraid, so I'll take this opportunity update you on status of my animation work.
I've been doing a lot of research into various aspects of my planned animation. The first things I looked for were pictures of penguins I could use for reference.

Above is an example of one of the images I found (and probably one of my favourites).

Not only have I been looking at penguins, but also 1920's style buildings and artwork. Art deco was the style of the time, which has clean, strong lines. I will be incorporating this look into my animation.

Aside from research, I've completed my treatment covering my animation idea. This includes the subject, structure, visuals, sound, technique and target audience. I've also finished my initial storyboards. The next step is to create an animatic to help bring my ideas together, get the timing right and see if it will be entertaining.

Even though I have a strong idea on how I want the finished piece to look, I plan on researching different animation styles I could potentially use instead (e.g rotascope). This means I will probably try experimenting with them too. Not only will this give me bigger scope, but also give me experience in different methods.

At the moment I am working on my Client Production document, which seems to be an extension of the treament I completed previously. This document goes into much greater detail on what's involved in the animation. I will have finished this before my next entry.

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