Thursday, 10 March 2011

Start Typing!

Oh boy, is there a lot of typing to do in these units. Yesterday we were given a session on high concept documents and how detailed they need to be. This was done in the way of PowerPoint presentation. It's not as long as a game design document would need to be as it outlines the concept rather than any designs.

Today I will be working on a research report with the aim of having a rough draft by the end of the day.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Unit 68 & Unit 72

Again we are doing two units at the same time, and with less time to do them. The units are 3D Environments and Games Design.

Obviously Games Design will be looking at concepts, developing ideas and producing design documentation. 3D Environments is looking at researching locations and developing using 3DS Max and Games Engines.

To start off I have updated my planning spreadsheet to help me judge my own progress. I've also organised folders on my hard drive for each unit.

Another Unit Down

There have not been as many entries for this unit as normal but it's nice to be able to say, 3D animation is over!

I would normally include my evaluation and finished pieces, but they are more personally linked than anything previously (We made our own personal idents which I would like to perfect before uploading).

Animal Planet Ident

This is a video I found on YouTube for the Animal Planet logo. Our task was to create an animal using the letters from the the word and animate it. I actually really like this video, I think it's well constructed and nicely animated.

My final render was only short in the end so I haven't uploaded it. Also I would like to add a background in the future. It has been included in my sketchbook.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Spider Animation

This was created shortly after a group session showing how to use the CATS system in 3DS Max. I constrained a dummy object to a path (which could be looped), and the parented the spider to the dummy.

The colours were chosen so that it could be seen clearly but ended up (unexpectedly)being the ones used by Spider-Man.