Friday, 29 October 2010

Planning the Unit

One of the briefs ask that we come up with a plan for the units. We did a similar thing with the 2D Animation unit last year, so it was a little bit easier. As I did then, I used Microsoft Excel to produce it.

I added a new worksheet to the unit planner we were given before to keep track of our progress through the course. This way I will be able to keep all of my planning for the year in one place.

I am also using my old method of planning, by making lists of tasks I need to do and ticking them off as I complete them. I will put an example in my sketchbook.

Presentation - Graphic Narrative

I have made a PowerPoint presentation which is eight slides long continuing the SDS task mentioned in the previous entry.

I've made it as easy to look at as possible, with as much information as needed.

Self Directed Study

Continuing on from the semiotics study, we were asked to find to examples of graphic narrative and analyse them. I used Guyver and Spider-Woman as my chosen examples and have stuck the work in my sketchbook.

This work was completed to go alongside the visual presentation we need to produce.


We had a session on semiotics, and their relevance to graphic narrative. After looking at the different aspects of it (Signifier, Signified, Connotation etc) we analysed some graphic novels like 'V for Vendetta' and 'Watchmen', looking at the ideaology behind them.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Units 5 & 55

We've started our next project which is Graphic Narrative. We will also be looking at working from a brief.

As I said before, I'm looking forward to this project but I need to wait for the creative brief before I start coming up with any ideas.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Unit 20 Finishes

I have now finished this unit and handed it in. I'm looking forward to the next unit which is Graphic narrative. This will give me an excuse to buy comics now :)

LAN Parties

Our group had two LAN parties, of which the first was held at Seth's house. This turned out to be a very fun day, and though it wasn't very professionally organised, it was still a success.

The second party was something of a let down for us. Not only had we already done one and wanted to get on with some work, but the game played was not decided by the class as a whole. Also all of the necessary rules were not decided before hand and thus, advantage went to the team who all members of owned the game.

Video Presentation

My group did a video presentation to talk about our decade. My video featured Sonic the Hedgehog as a host character. Though everyone finished their individual videos, we did not have time to edit them into a single version. The plan was to make it look like someone was channel hopping between our videos. I may possibly do this anyway and submit it as an add-on.

My video covered video games console of the era like the Sega Megadrive and was going to be the first video in the final edit.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Console Research

Though I have not included prints of every bit of research in my sketchbook, I have plenty of links to information used during my project, which I have included on the CD found in my sketchbook.


During this unit we have watched some interesting videos. One called 'King of Kong' and the other called 'The Podfather'. Both videos were very informative.

The Podfather Part 1

Above is a link to the first part of The Podfather. You can link to the following parts via Youtube or use the links provided on the CD in my sketchbook.
This was my favourite of the two videos we watched as it had some important information about how we got to where we are to doday.

King of Kong Part 1

King of Kong was a strange video, which seemed to be heavily staged at points. Again other links are available in the same way as the previous video.


Well I finished the poster, but it hasn't changed from the previous one seen on an earlier blog entry.

The video presentation is well underway but still incomplete.

I need to consolidate all of the LAN party evidence and organise it in my sketchbook.

I need to make an Evaluation for the unit.

And several more blog entries!